
Simplify Your Local Marketing Strategy in 2016 – And Still Kill It!

Would you like to do less work and still get even more benefits?

Of course you would.

This year, instead of trying to be anywhere and everywhere, simplify your marketing strategy. By strategically focusing your marketing tactics, you can simplify your strategy and still succeed. Here is what you can do.

6 WaysLess is More

Pare down your social media marketing. It really isn’t necessary for your local business to be on every single social media site. Instead, focus on one or two that your target audience identifies most with. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram; engage with your followers, respond to comments and answer questions.

Focus Equals Efficiency

Focus your advertising. Like the first tip, you can also simplify your advertising by focusing only on your target audience. To really understand your customers, use simple surveys to find out who they are and what they want. Once you have this information, you can really target your advertising and marketing methods, and make your job that much easier.

Have Clear Calls to Action

Simplify what you want your website visitors to do. Cutting back on what you want visitors to do will not only make things easier for them, but also easier for you. Figure out what converts the most and focus on those. Cut down optin forms and other choices as well. Do not overwhelm your customers with information; by simplifying their experience, you make it easier for them to choose to purchase.

Promote What Works

Funnel everything to your top sellers. If you really want to cut down on the work you do but still continue making an outstanding profit, consider investing most of your time in your top sellers. Promote them in your ads, create content around them and point your calls to action toward these items.

Reuse Your Content

Instead of always struggling to create completely different content across all your social media accounts, why not reuse the same piece of high-quality content, but modify it’s presentation — image sizes and description length for example — to best fit each platform? Create something you know your target audience will appreciate, and use it to market your business across each of your marketing channels.

Automate to Save Time

From social media updates to online shopping carts, many aspects of your marketing plan can be automated. Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule social media updates. Send emails to your network by using a mailing service such as AWeber, MailChimp or Constant Contact. Use an e-commerce shopping cart to automate your online sales.

It’s 2016, why are you working so hard to market your business? Instead of marketing harder this year, why not market smarter?