
What Does Google’s Decision to Remove Cookies Mean for Marketing?

What’s New? What’s Hot? What’s Next?

As the year rolls on, Google is making some changes that are sure to make a BIG impact on brands online and really… the Internet itself.

And it all has to do with one of America’s favorite desserts – Cookies! (Well, kind of.)

Cookie Monster

Let’s take a look at what’s new with Google this year, what’s hot about this topic, and what’s next for you as a business owner.

What’s New? Google is Removing Cookies.

No, Google won’t revoke your right to enjoy a plate of chocolate chip cookies – Today, we’re talking about Google’s announcement to end what’s known as “third-party cookies.”

These cookies are placed in the code of a brand’s website, so that when customers visit the website, cookies will be given to them. Why? When someone has cookies from a certain website, Google advertisements they see will relate to that same website.

This way, even if a potential customer put stuff in their online shopping cart, but then decided to abandon it… They will see ads as they continue to search the web reminding them “Hey, remember this brand? You were gonna buy from us – Come back!”

What’s Hot? Ecommerce Marketing Strategy is Changing.

These cookies have been a widely used marketing tool for a long time, and it has remained possible on Google’s browser up to now. Apple’s Safari and Mozilla Firefox blocked the use of cookies nearly a decade ago in 2013, but that didn’t matter much to brands, since Google has the most-used browser by far (65% global share in 2021).

Now that Google has announced they’ll be blocking the use of 3rd party cookies this year, it makes an even bigger statement – Third-party data collection is obsolete.

Translation: It’s high time for brands to change their marketing strategy – Especially those of you who have an ecommerce business.

What’s Next? The Email Marketing Boom.

A big topic of conversation surrounding this decision is, “zero-party data.” This is the antithesis of third-party data – Zero-party data is data that is willingly and proactively shared with the brand by the consumer. How? Email.

Interestingly enough, email marketing (a more traditional form of digital marketing) is on the rise in response to all of this. Ecommerce merchants can now rely on abandon cart email notifications after the consumer has opted in to receive emails.

And you know what? This is actually more effective. Consumers are wising up to tricky tactics and looking for something genuine!

So, What’s Next for Your Business?

Not everyone has an ecommerce business, but every business should have a website and social media – and the message from today’s news story can still apply.

Let’s do a quick self-assessment, shall we? (This one takes less than a minute!)

Step 1: Pull up one of your social media accounts – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…
Step 2: Look at your last 3 posts. What is the messaging? What is your tone? What is the image like – if there is one?
Step 3: Ask yourself, “Are most or all of these posts sales-y?” If the answer is yes, it’s time to make an adjustment.

Make your next post something genuine, and chances are, you’ll see a new and better response from your audience.

And hey, if you think you’d like some help crafting a more genuine and more effective online presence – The BizIQ Team is always here to help.

Just give us a call at (888) 323-5687.