Painting Services

The best way to get the word out about the terrific painting services you offer is to market your painting company online, because that’s where most customers will go when they need painting service and they’re looking for a reputable company. When potential customers are seeking your services, you need to be there online with a powerful presence that can convince them to contact you, instead of one of your competitors. Here are some recommendations about how to establish or enhance your online presence.

Why Market My Painting Service Business Online?

It’s pretty well known that consumers routinely conduct fairly extensive research on services and companies before they make any kind of purchasing decisions.

That makes it essential that you have as much information as possible online, via your website and other platforms, so you can be found when consumers are searching for you.

There is no questioning the convenience of digital marketing, especially when you consider that it’s ideal for both buyer and seller. Someone who is selling a service can literally be open for business 24 hours a day. It’s just as convenient for a buyer, who can go online at any hour of the day to find what they need quickly and efficiently.

When you’re trying to establish an ongoing relationship with potential customers, there’s no better way to do it than via the Internet. It’s the ideal platform for meeting and establishing relationships with potential customers, as well as for retaining those relationships long after the first purchase.

When you’re trying to reach new customers, there simply isn’t a better vehicle around for reaching out to customers in your market and beyond.

As opposed to the limited scope you might have had just a couple of decades ago, the Internet now allows you to reach into every corner of your market area.

When you start recording user preferences and behaviors from visitors to your website, it will be fairly easy to compile a profile about each individual user, so you will be aware of their needs and desires.

This will allow you to personalize any sales pitch you might want to make to them, because you already know what they’re looking for, and you can customize your sales pitch to accommodate that.

When you consider the cost of digital marketing, you can count on it being less expensive than it would be if you had to advertise in a physical storefront, where you would have to pay for labor, create product displays, and maintain the facility.

If you’ve ever wondered about the relationship between using social media online for marketing and advertising, and the impact it has on sales revenues, you should have no further doubts.

A whole slew of studies has established that there is a very definite impact that using social media can have on increasing revenue, and that means you should be incorporating social media usage into your own digital marketing strategy.

The importance of using social media has been growing at a steady rate for some time now, and there’s no question that there is a solid link between social networking and revenue growth. You simply can’t afford to miss out on the vast potential of the Internet to bring customers to your website and to purchase your products or services.

What are My Options for Digital Marketing?

When it comes to digital marketing, you’ll have a wealth of options for choosing how you want to make your painting company and services known to Internet users.

The strategies you choose should align nicely with your overall business objectives, and they should also be the ones that give you the best chance for a reasonable return on your investment.

White Website Icon Website Design & Development

There’s not much doubt that your website should be the focal point of your online presence, and every piece of content you post on the Internet should refer back to this central hub which represents your company.

Given the importance of your website, it’s absolutely essential that you fill it up with content that provides users with valuable information, and a clear idea of what your brand is all about.

Your painting services should be described on your website in a way that is both compelling and makes it clear that they are the answer to the reader’s problems and concerns.

Seo Bulls Eye IconSearch Engine Optimization

Generally speaking, the number one source of website traffic will be the organic searches carried out by users who are seeking products or services online. This is not paid advertising but it’s simply a situation where content on your website has been phrased and structured in such a way that it matches up with keywords entered by Internet searchers, with the two being brought together by a search engine.

One of the main goals of using SEO is to enhance the credibility and trust which your brand acquires as a result of users visiting your site and having a good experience there. If the content on your website is compelling enough to convince users that you’re an authority in your field, this will go a long way toward establishing that initial credibility and trust.

With the rise of mobile searches and the dominance of mobile devices on the Internet, it’s important that your digital marketing strategy includes local SEO. One of the primary ways by which people in your town or city find your business includes principles of local SEO, which provides visibility for your business to individuals seeking your products and services.

You might think that something that sounds as impressive as search engine optimization would be a very expensive prospect. However, compared to other marketing strategies, SEO is relatively inexpensive, especially in light of the value and return which you get for it. If you end up seeing a great many more visitors being converted into paying customers, any investment in SEO will be well worth it.

White Piggy BankPPC

The three most important principles associated with pay-per-click (PPC) marketing strategies are keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. Many people believe that stuffing as many keywords into content as possible is the best way to go about matching up with users searching for those keywords. However, this is a misguided notion which is more likely to cause your content to have a lower ranking, simply because you’re stuffing it with redundant keywords.

A better approach would be to choose the most meaningful keywords and incorporate them into your content. Whatever type of ad copy you develop should also include these keywords, and it should describe whatever products and services you are offering to consumers, as well as why users should purchase them from you.

When users are directed to your landing page, you should have content there which further convinces them of the need to hire your company for their painting needs. You should also have a compelling contact form which persuades users to leave their email address, so you can contact them as a lead and a potential customer.

White Chat SocialSocial Media

Any business person who is aware of the value of customer engagement should also be aware that social media is a primary vehicle for engaging with customers. By maintaining an active online presence in social media, you will have the opportunity to influence your customers’ purchasing decisions, and to guide them in a direction that you prefer. And if you take the time to show a little personality that gets associated with your company, it can really go a long way toward the user perception of your brand, and how it’s much more than a cold, unfeeling corporation.

Your company’s reputation should be very important to you, especially since most of the time it takes years to establish a good reputation. One of the ways you can protect that reputation is to use social media to handle customer complaints and concerns, so they don’t get blown out of proportion by disgruntled customers. Negative sentiment can very easily turn into a bitter commentary about your company, and this can be a lot harder to undo than simply responding in a tactful way to any user’s complaints. This can also go a long way toward helping establish trust in your company, as one which is legitimately concerned with user issues.

There is probably no better way to obtain genuine insights about your customer base than to personally ask users via social media for their concerns or commentary about your services.

One of the best ways of increasing website traffic is to use social media to refer people directly to that site. When people in social media start mentioning your company frequently, this will be recognized by search engines who will consider your site to be more authoritative, and that will in turn drive even more traffic to your website.

White Brand Management LikeBrand Management

It doesn’t take long to damage your good reputation, so this should be something you do your very best to safeguard at all times. There are tools available that monitor comments being made about your company, and this can help you stay in touch with user sentiment about your brand.

Given the extreme importance of maintaining a good reputation online, it might also be to your advantage to hire a reputation management firm. This kind of company can alert you to any tools which might be useful in preserving your good reputation, and it can also be of primary assistance in helping you repair any damage which has been done to your reputation.

Although local SEO is extremely significant in alerting users in your town or city to your products and services, there are a great many times when these users don’t find your company through simple online searches. Many times they will be consulting directories and citations in Yellow Pages, on Facebook, or in Google My Business to find out about local businesses. That makes it extremely important for you to keep this information up to date so that you can be quickly found by a user searching for your products or services.

Paint Exterior

Types of Painting Service Businesses We Help

We have helped companies get more customers when they offer residential exterior painting and/or residential interior painting since this is a very commonly needed service.

We can also help you if you’re a commercial painter or an office painter because there are plenty of potential customers who need these services as well. The whole trick is in bringing those who need the service and those who provide the service together – and that’s where we excel.

How Do I Get Started?

To get started in digital marketing, the first step you should take is to invite our team in so they can provide you with a complimentary analysis of your present digital strategy, as well as an assessment of how effective your present website is. After determining those things, we can discuss them with you and consider some opportunities where improvements might be made, and where enhancements might be needed. When we have a plan of attack, you can just sit back and relax, knowing that you have expert professionals at work for you, and striving to grow your business.